Support us
Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change invests in communities and provides people with opportunities to live their best lives. By supporting us, you’ll be helping us provide family, learning, creative, social and wellbeing activities for communities and extra support for people when it’s most needed.

Last year, your donations had a great impact
207 presents delivered by Santa to children
280 meals served over Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and during a special Ukrainian Christmas event in St Austell
116 food hampers received by families in need
123 goodie bags filled with a gift, toiletries, and sweet treats for those who may not have received any other gifts
This year, our challenge is to do it all again! There are still people who are lonely during the festive season or can't afford a warm meal at one of the coldest times of the year.
With your help, we can change that! Donate what you can to our Christmas appeal and help us support our community with some seasonal cheer.
£8 provides a for a sit-down Christmas meal for one
£10 provides a bag of gift-wrapped presents and sweet treats for someone to open on Christmas morning
£15 provides a home-delivered food hamper to help with costs over the festive period
£20 provides a food and fuel voucher for emergencies
£30 provides a sit-down Christmas meal for a family of 4
If you can donate through our Crowdfunder, CN4C will the Aviva Community Fund will match your donation to us!

There are many fun and challenging ways to raise funds. You could hold a sponsored quiz night, coffee morning, a bake sale, go busking, run a marathon, complete a sponsored swim or bike ride, have a party or garage sale.

Let us know about the event you are planning and we’ll promote it through Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change social media pages, website and e-newsletter. Please get in touch by phone 01209 310610 or email info@cn4c.org.uk .
Once you’ve held your event, you can make a donation using our online donation form, at a bank or by sending a cheque.
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00091411
By cheque
Please make cheques payable to Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change and post them to the following address:
The Elms
61 Green Lane
TR15 1LS
Any donations received through collections at your event are eligible for Gift Aid under the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme, which means we will receive an additional 25% extra from the donations made at no extra cost to you.
You can collect donations for fundraising challenges using our sponsorship forms.
In order to qualify for Gift Aid, the sponsorship form must be completed for a specific fundraising event, on a specific day. All sponsors must complete their title, name, surname, full address and postcode. For more information about Gift Aid and sponsorship, please see our Gift Aid Frequently Asked Questions.
Online shopping
You can raise free funds for Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change by using the online shopping charity donation website Easyfundraising whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your car insurance.
Easyfundraising collects donations from over 4,000 shops including eBay, Argos, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
1. Go to easyfundraising and join for free.
2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change Ltd at no extra cost to you whatsoever! There are no catches or hidden charges and Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change Ltd will be really grateful for your donations.

Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change connects people with opportunity and invests in communities.
Volunteering is a great way to develop new skills, contribute your experience and give back to your community. You could be someone who is looking to build their confidence, add work experience to your CV; get more involved in your local community or just want to meet like-minded people. We welcome volunteers to help run the community larder, community meals, social groups, activities and to support our crisis management team and administration team.

Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change is also working with Age UK to recruit Community Welfare Volunteers for a Home and Hospital Discharge Scheme to make sure patients that have recently been discharged from hospital are settled and well. As a Community Welfare volunteer you’ll be providing companionship and welfare checks to make sure that people are making a good recovery. Volunteers under this scheme will be supported by Age UK’s Home and Hospital team.
Tempo Time Credits
Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change is part of the Tempo Time Credits scheme. So any volunteering you do with us will be recognised through the credit scheme: for every hour you volunteer, you’ll receive one time credit.
The time credits you accrue can be exchanged for vouchers for a range of activities such as cinema tickets, entry to attractions, childrens’ holiday clubs and food offers with local and national scheme partners.